Month: May 2017


Three – “Go Roam”

[image][/image] [link]Mill London[/link] [categorys] Lead 3D | Feather Groom | L&R [/categorys] [text]Half giraffe, half flamingo. Not much more to add! I whipped out the feathers again for this project, grooming and look dev-ing the flamingo portion of the animal as well as leading the final delivery of the spot. […]


Virgin Media – “Delivering Awesome”

[image][/image] [link]Mill London[/link] [categorys] Lead 3D | Shoot [/categorys] [text]A total throw the kitchen sink 3D-athon commercial for this one. Everything from Pre-viz, tunnel extensions, vehicles to robots and astronauts. Here’s a little behind the scenes: Virgin Media – Behind the scenes [/text]